Josh Barczak
Interests |
- Interactive Rendering
- Ray Tracing and Global Illumination
- Geometry Processing
- Procedural Shading Techniques
- Parallel Programming and GPGPU
Publications |
Variable Bit Rate GPU Texture Decompression Olano, M. Baker, D. Griffin, W. Barczak, J. EGSR 2011 |
Improved Multi-Level Raytracing Algorithm Barczak, J. Unpublished research conducted in my garage. Paper. |
Efficient Spatial Binning on the GPU Oat, C. Barczak, J. Shopf, J. AMD Technical Report. Also published in GPU Pro as "Spatial Binning on the GPU" |
Deferred Occlusion From Analytic Surfaces Shopf, J., Barczak, J. Scheuermann, T., Oat, C. In ShaderX 7 |
Tessellation for Detailed, Animated Crowds Tatarchuk, N., Oat, C., Purnomo, B. Siggraph Asia 2008 Technical Sketch |
Scene Management for Rendering Large Crowds Barczak, J. Tatarchuk, N., Oat, C. . Siggraph Asia 2008 Technical Sketch |
Crowd Simulation Shopf, J., Oat, C., Barczak, J. Siggraph Asia 2008 Technical Sketch |
March of the Froblins: Simulation and Rendering of Massive Crowds of Intelligent and Detailed Creatures on the GPU Shopf, J. Barczak, J. Oat, C. Tatarchuk, N. Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games (SIGGRAPH 2008 course notes) |
Fast Triangle Reordering for Vertex Locality and Reduced Overdraw Sander, P.V. Nehab, D. Barczak. J. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2007) |
Triangle Order Optimization for Graphics Hardware Computation Culling Nehab, D. Barczak, J. Sander, P. V. ACM 2006 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games |
Interactive Illumination Using Large Sets of Point Lights Barczak, J. M.S. Thesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Education |
Selected Projects |
Sid Meier's Civilization V My first game credit. I implemented the rendering framework which drives the diplomacy screens. This is a cut-scene renderer with quite a lot of bullet points:
For DX11-class hardware, we used a proprietary variable-bit-rate compression scheme for the leader textures, which you can read about in our EGSR 2011 paper (see publication list above). Besides the leader system, I also built a procedural ice-floe generator for the polar regions. If you're playing the game and happen to go close enough to the poles, you'll notice that each and every ice chunk is unique.
TinyRT: A Raytracing Template Library A collection of generic implementations of common raytracing data structures. (BVH, QBVH, KDTree, Uniform Grid). Available here. TRT's goals are: - To provide a flexible reference codebase for research, prototyping,
and hobbyist experimentation |
Froblins (ATI Radeon HD4800 Series launch demo) This demo used a GPU-based continuum crowd simulation to create a rich world filled with interactive "Froblin" characters. It also showcased the use of hardware tessellation to add details adaptively to the characters. Since we simulated our characters on the GPU, we had to find ways to do key frame interpolation, LOD selection and character culling on the GPU via shaders. My main technical contributions to the demo were the terrain system, character culling and LOD, and a vertex compression scheme which enables fast multi-pass animation. You can read more in the SIGGRAPH 2008 course notes (here). |
Ping Pong (ATI Radeon HD3000 Series launch demo) I designed and built a scalable parallel physics engine that was used in this demo to simulate thousands of bouncing ping pong balls. I also helped implement and optimize several of the rendering effects used in this demo (MSAA imposter rendering, bloom effects, ambient occlusion). Go get the demo here. I shamelessly stole this screenshot from Chris Oat. |
Ruby: Whiteout (ATI Radeon HD2900 Series launch demo) As a member of the ATI 3D Application Research Group, I played a significant role in the development of Ruby: Whiteout. I implemented a sizable portion of the demo engine, and developed a variety of rendering effects for the demo (motion blur, depth of field, dynamic SH lighting, shadow map filtering). Go get the demo here.
Pet Raytracer
This started out as a homework assignment in my intro to graphics course, but quickly grew into a personal hobby. After spending a few years expanding on my homework assignment, I recently re-wrote the entire thing from scratch. My pet renderer is now a fast, full-featured system which I use to produce artwork to hang on my walls.
Click here to go to the JRT page.
MS Thesis: Interactive Illumination Using Large Sets of Point Lights
I presented several optimization techniques which could be used to render shadowed illumination from hundreds of point lights using a commodity GPU. This allows for interactive rendering of soft shadows by point sampling an area light, and also allows for approximate indirect illumination using Instant Radiosity. For more information, read my thesis. |
Interactive Caustics Using Hierarchical Light Volumes
As an independent research project, I developed a variation on the classic light shaft technique for rendering water caustics. Shadows are implemented by detecting and culling light volumes from occluded areas of the water surface, which not only improves the realism of the image, but can also speed up the rendering. You can download the (unpublished) paper here.
DirectX Runtime Environment for Ashli
As a summer intern at ATI Research, I developed a runtime system to support high level shading using DirectX and the Ashli compiler. The runtime provided a transparent framework for multi-pass rendering, which allowed the application to use arbitrarily complex shaders without worrying about exceeding hardware resource limits.
The screenshot on the left is from a sample application developed with the DirectX runtime environment. The walls and surfaces are rendered with HLSL shaders, the objects are rendered using GLSL shaders.
As a research assistant at UMBC, I designed and implemented a software simulator for executing procedural shaders and collecting performance statistics. The goal was to produce a simulation environment for profiling the shading workload in 3D scenes and evaluating the effectiveness of procedural shading optimizations. The system contains a modular, user-programmable virtual machine, and a software rasterizer which uses the VM to perform per-vertex and per-pixel computation.
This was a group project I did as part of a UMBC special topics course: CS691E: Graphics for Games The game was built using a scene graph library called WildMagic, which came bundled with our textbook. Click here to go to the FireFighter page.
My Asteroids Clone
Way back during my junior year at UMBC, I made a little Asteroids clone in order to teach myself DirectDraw programming. You can download it here. The game was developed using DirectDraw 7.0 for the graphics, and the Windows API for the sound. I make no guarantees as to how well it works.
My Tetris Clone
One of my earliest self-motivated programming projects, this is a simple Tetris clone written in Visual Basic 6.0. I make no guarantees as to how well it works, but you can play with it if you want. You will need the VB6 runtime, which you can probably download from somewhere on Microsoft’s website. Get it here.